Monday, July 6, 2009

Destination(Queues & Topics) Properties-3

This post is the continuation of the Previous posts, So please read that properties also.

6. sender_name_enforced: Both Queues and Topics
The sender_name_enforced property specifies that messages sent to this destination must include the sender’s user name. The server retrieves the user name of the message producer using the same procedure described in the sender_name property above. However, unlike, the sender_name property, there is no way for message producers to override this property.

7. flowControl: Both Queues and Topics
The flowControl property specifies the target maximum size the server can use to store pending messages for the destination. This is useful when message producers send messages much more quickly than message consumers can consume them. You can specify the flowControl property without a value to set it to the default of 256KB. Flow control must be enabled for the server before the value in this property is enforced by the server.

Setting flow Control
First enable flow control by setting flow_control=enabled in the tibemsd.conf file. Then set the flowControl property to the desired value (in bytes) on that destination.

How it works
When the storage for pending messages is near the specified limit, the server blocks all new calls to send a message from message producers. The calls do not return until the storage has decreased below the specified limit. Once message consumers have received messages and the pending message storage goes below the specified limit, the server allows the send message calls to return to the caller and the message producers can continue processing.

8. trace: Both Queues and Topics
Specifies that tracing should be enabled for this destination. This property can be specified as either trace or trace=body. Specifying trace (without =body), generates trace messages that include only the message sequence and message ID.

Note:The remaining Properties of Destinations will be posted in coming days, Please check for this blog updates daily to keep in touch.


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