Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Data Stores in BusinessConnect

BusinessConnect uses two types of data stores:

  1. Runtime data store
  2. Configuration store

By default, the data stores use the default database connection. You can assign adifferent database to the data stores using the window System Settings > JDBCConnections.

1. Runtime Data Store

The runtime data store tracks the information flowing through the engine,recording the same information that can be recorded in audit andnon-repudiation logs plus information about hibernation, database locking,resend, and alert messages.

This information, however, is for use by the BusinessConnect engine itself,serving as a memory of what tasks it has already performed. BusinessConnectcannot function without a valid runtime database.

2. Configuration Store

The configuration store records all the information that you provide toBusinessConnect. For example, it stores information about business partners,configuration parameters, and transport settings.


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